
(Image by SweetCapture via Flickr)

There really could be two claiming to be the real Jesus in the future—Isa-Almasih (Jesus Messiah in the Quran) of Islam verses Jesus Christ of Christianity.

First of all the birth of Jesus is portrayed in similar ways by both religions but the results are quite different. Both teach that Mary was a virgin and the angel appeared to her but in the New Testament, God is the Father of Jesus while the Quran teaches that the angel Gabriel was somehow responsible.

As strange as it seems, I believe that there is a strong possibility that the two might actually meet up and battle each other at the end of history—That’s right—two claiming to be the real Jesus.

One who supports the coming Mahdi and tries to destroy all who reject Islam particularly the Jews, and another who is the Son of God who comes in the clouds with the host of Heaven where everyone can see Him and saves Jerusalem and what is left of Israel.

What it really amounts to is dueling scriptures—the Quran verses the New Testament.

I started thinking about this possibility when I received the following in a comment from a Mohammad in Pakistan:

“I believe soon the promised one will reappear and fill this earth with justice.  …we are waiting for the promised one our Mahdi our imam our love our respect our leader our heart. …O my imam my leader soon we will pledge with you along with all good inhabitants in this world along with Jesus Christ who will pray behind you and will ask his followers to accept the straight path of Islam.”

There is one scenario I can see where the prophetic eschatological expectations of both the Quran and the Bible may be largely fulfilled.


Those in Islam are looking for a Mahdi to appear on the scene and become the ruler over the entire world—with one world government and one official World religion–Islam.

Isa-Almasih, the historical Jesus is supposed to come back and support the Mahdi and ask all of his followers—the Christians to convert. Those who don’t are to be beheaded. Meanwhile he is also suppose to be instrumental in conquering Jerusalem, defeating the Dajjal (Evil One) and finally killing off the Jews who naturally refuse to join.


In the New Testament there is an  almost identical scenario presented, only the one world ruler is called ‘The Anti-Christ’ and the religious leader who supports him is referred to as ‘The False Prophet’.

Thousands of Christians will be martyred by beheading and millions of Jews will also be killed. Just when it looks like Jerusalem will be conquered and all Israel will be eliminated, the real Jesus Christ appears in the clouds with the Hosts of Heaven, everyone shall see him, and He will touch down in Jerusalem and save the day.

By the way—the Anti-Christ (Mahdi?) and his False Prophet (Isa?) are thrown alive into the Lake of Fire.


Like I said, the scenarios are quite similar but in a potential battle between the two Jesuses, Jesus Christ the Jewish Messiah and Son of God will prevail, the Muslims might call him the ‘Dajjal’ but it is the pretenders who will be overthrown.

All of the scriptures in the Bible will be fulfilled, and the real Jesus Son of God will reign on planet Earth.

so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. –Philippians 2:10-11 ESV

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