November 25th, 2007

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church) is responding to the spotlight that Mitt Romney’s run for the presidency has turned on their faith. They are hoping to correct some of the controversy and misconceptions that has surrounded their religion for years.

Church authorities point out that their connection with polygamy is not really valid since they officially outlawed that practice 113 years ago. They also would like to dispel that impression that their church is racist since they have ordained blacks since 1978, and they now have many black leaders, over 250,000 African members.

Here is an enlightened opinion of Mormonism given by Rev. Bill Martin, pastor of Cornerstone Bible Church in St. Petersburg (also, nephew of the late Walter Martin, an Evangelical apologist and cult researcher):

“I believe Mormon people are some of the most wonderful, neighborly, law-abiding people you can find in this country. They have held the line on a lot of moral issues that are important to American tradition.”

“Having said that, Mormonism is a theological and biblical perversion of Orthodox Christianity, because at the root of it, it is polytheistic.”

John Taylor, a spokesman for the Mormon Church, claims that their religion reflects New Testament Christianity:

“We believe in Jesus Christ. He is the core and center of everything we do. We worship him. We honor him. …

We’re not Catholic. We’re not Protestant. We are restored New Testament Christians. We believe in the restoration of the original Christian church that Jesus Christ originated on Earth, with a lay ministry, apostles and people of faith who are trying to emulate Jesus Christ.”

Comments: The observations of Rev. Bill Martin are quite correct. The polytheistic theology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon) can not represent New testament Christianity which was essentially monotheistic. That is just one major issue that separates Mormonism from Biblical Christianity.

He is also right in noting that culturally and morally many Mormons are wonderful people. The LDS have been and will continue to be allies with Evangelicals in the culture wars and conflicts that face our nation. 

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