
(Wall by Brian Negin via Flickr)

Lately it has become fashionable to question whether the Biblical accounts of a strong kingdom ruled by David and Solomon could have even existed in the 10 century BC (BCE). Many scholars consider the accounts to be rather mythical in nature. Now a 2010 archeological finding lends strong support to the Biblical record.

Eilat Mazar, from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, said that her find of an ancient wall dating back to 10th century BC (BCE) goes a long ways in showing that a strong government probably did exist in the time frame of Solomon and the ‘First Temple’:

“It’s the most significant construction we have from First Temple days in Israel.”

“It means that at that time, the 10th century, in Jerusalem there was a regime capable of carrying out such construction.”

“The city wall that has been uncovered testifies to a ruling presence. Its strength and form of construction indicate a high level of engineering, and the city wall is at the eastern end of the Ophel area in a high, strategic location atop the western slope of the Kidron Valley.

“A comparison of this latest finding with city walls and gates from the period of the First Temple, as well as pottery found at the site, enable us to postulate, with a great degree of assurance, that the wall that has been revealed is that which was built by King Solomon in Jerusalem in the latter part of the tenth century BCE.

“This is the first time that a structure from that time has been found that may correlate with written descriptions of Solomon’s building in Jerusalem. The Bible tells us that Solomon built – with the assistance of the Phoenicians, who were outstanding builders – the Temple and his new palace and surrounded them with a city, most probably connected to the more ancient wall of the City of David.”

Response: It is ‘politically correct’ in Europe and on most University campuses around the world to question the Jewish historical ties to Jerusalem. Since it is the Biblical record that supports their claims to the land many European scholars have questioned the historicity of the Biblical accounts themselves.

Add to that the fact that ‘oil money’ from Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia is supporting many of the European scholars along with their research and archeological digs. The result is that some of the prevailing archeological theories are actually agenda driven.

This find is significant in over-turning some of these PC driven notions, but also as a historical support for the Biblical record itself.   

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